
tamoadmin 游戏更新 2024-06-24 0
  1. “我感谢你曾经来过我的世界,我会珍惜你和我在一起的时光,祝你幸福,永远爱你的蓝馨。”这句英语怎么写
  2. 100句简短浪漫英语情话
  3. 作文《我的世界也很美丽》,急求,要原创,写的好点给追加到100财富值。
  4. 少女时代 《再次重逢的世界》歌词

感谢你出现在我的生活里我会好好爱你。 英语怎麼说?

thanks for ***earing in my life and i will love you deeply


谢谢你出现在我的生活里: ? ?.

感谢你出现在我的生活里 让我做你的太阳 一直守护著你 的英文

感谢你出现在我的生活里 让我做你的太阳 一直守护著你


Thank you for ***earing in my life, let me be your sun, always guarding you.

感谢你出现在我的生活里 让我做你的太阳 一直守护著你

Thank you for ***earing in my life, let me be your sun, always guarding you.



I'll love you better if I'm given a chance.

I'll love you more if I h***e another chance.


i will love you for a lifetime


love you with all of my heart

love you tenderly

love you wholeheartedly



I will love deeply and stay with you all my life


Stay with me, I will love you with all my heart.



Thanks a bunch for your ***earance in my world, even if you don't know me!



Zhang liqiu,I love you forever!





our dear brother:

we all cried durning the program of November the 2nd.The toastmaster said that you are very considerate to your fans on the autograph session.And it is exactly at that time that we can not control our emotion anymore for we h***e been missing you for such a long time.

But why? why you h***en't ***eared on the land of China for even a one time. We are waiting and waiting ,anticipating and anticipating..However we stiil can"t h***e you here.

What we want to is just see the real you .What we want to is just standing by you, beholding you seriously.Then we will be really satisfied.

When thinking of you in one day we even can not do anything,

Sometimes we cheer up by your ***earance in our world and becoming one part of our life.However durning most of the time we fear.

We freak out only by thinking the possibility that one day you might

vanish from our world and we can not see your ***ile any more ,we freak out by maybe there is one day that we can not get your news anymore.And this will really make us feel breathless.

So, our dear brother ,May we make a promise?

Promising that you will never le***e us alone .Promise that we will never lost our early dreams and our trueness.

And we can also make a vow that we will never let go your hold .We will protect you forever .Even if it will cost our whole life. We promise we will.

So brother may we hook our finger and promise that no matter what h***ened we both will never change.

Your Fans' club in China


I am grateful for you passing my world once, I will treasure the time when we were together. Wish you h***y, love you forever, Lanxin



I miss you very much, but I won't say it. You are so arrogant. You can't be too proud.


After a long illness, I like your addiction. Since then, you are my medicine. My world can no longer h***e you.


Love words hide in the wind, like people hide in dreams, you are still in my heart!


At first I just wanted to cheat you, but now I want to keep you old.


It's not that I h***e no one but you; it's that I don't want anyone but you.


Some year, some day, some time, we are h***y hand in hand, from then on we will be together forever.


You are the youth with green eyes when the sky is shining, and I pass your spring, summer, autumn and winter in a trance.


She said that the south of the Yangtze River was like a tree, and the scenery in front of me began to bear fruit.


Tell you a story. It's a long story, so I'll make a long story short. I miss you.


Even if you use all your heart, you can't reach your heart.


Compared with forever, I prefer to be with you every day, because I want to accompany you through all the nights!


Simplicity is not less, but no excess. It's not enough, it's just you.


Your ***ile is the most beautiful scenery I h***e ever seen in my life. I want to collect such scenery for a lifetime.


You're my life's disaster. If I look at you more, I'll feel soft. If I hug you, I'll fall.


I don't look forward to the past life or the next life. I just want to join hands with you in this life.


I would like to accompany you for the third time: the first time pillow side book, the first time bosom cat, the first time lover.


You are my first choice, my last choice, and my eternal choice in this life.


I didn't know where the end of the world was before, now I know it, beside you.


I like you. At all times, I also like some people when they are like you occasionally.


I feel that everything in the world belongs to me, because you love me.


Take care of yourself if you h***e the ability, or let me take care of you honestly.


No matter how big the world is, there is only one you. No matter how big the storm is, as long as you accompany me.


If the whole world has a bad word for you, then I'll tell you about the past.


Once wanted to conquer the world, to the last look back found that the world is all you.


Carefully holding your hand, in my heart and you h***e been through life.


I've been an unswerving materialist all my life. Only you, I hope to h***e another life.


If one day I want to tr***el around the world, can I go around you?


If a person doesn't belong to you, no matter how perfect he is, it doesn't mean anything to you.


I hope that after decades, you will still be with me, in my arms, h***y as a child.


Want to give you the best in the world, but found that the best in the world is you.


I will give you a lock, lock me in your heart, others can not come in, I can not go out.


Like a person's feeling, probably is to listen to others discuss love, I only think of you.


How about each other? I am here, you are there, we are far away in love.


I use up all rhetoric, send out all words, to the final expression, still I love you.


Seriously, I'm angry and jealous, but I never thought of le***ing you.


The best love is probably that I adore you like a hero, you love me like a child.


Refused everyone's invitation, unwilling to see the scenery with people other than you!


I can't say why I love you, but I know that you are the reason why I don't love others.


You go, I will not send you. You come, no matter how strong or he***y, I'll pick you up.


The h***iest thing is to be liked by you every day.


In this life, we don't want to be rich, we just want to h***e this day every year.


The murmur of rain, like living by a stream, would rather rain every day, thinking that you are not coming because of the rain.


Most beautiful but one day in the future, ask you before sleep, hold you in the middle of the night, wake up with you.


Rose, your; chocolate, your; diamond ring, your; you, mine.


Although my life is in a mess, I want to be clear about loving you.


The person I envy most is you, because you get my love, you can be so ungrateful.


I tr***el around the world every day, because by your side, you are my world.


what do you like? I like you. Where are you going? Go to your heart.


The reason for my resistance to decline should be you. After all, I h***e no resistance to you for a while.


Every careless words you said are blooming in my heart.


Please be the treasure in my hand.


I like you for more than two minutes and can't withdraw.


A person, a dream, this heart is no two; two people, a play, the only life.


The world is so big that it is not easy to meet.


I h***e no time to participate in your past. I will accompany you in the future.


The greatest luck in my life is to meet you, so I will cling to you.


Even if the world dis***ears, my love for you is still there.


These days, I miss you very much, so I want to say.


My dime, love you, love you, each has five points.


Because of you, every day is Valentine's day.


Where you are, the weather is clear and everything is lovely.


As long as you ***ile, it will be very warm.


Our door is like two parallel lines, can never face to face.


As long as I see your ***ile, the world is not so bad.


The world is a giant doll machine, I stand around the window, just want you.


Ask you a silly question, if I like you, what should I do?


Like is day and night, love is from heart to ancient rare.


The world is so big, I met you, you also met me, it's good.


Obviously not the kind of person I like, but the one I like.


As long as there is love in the heart, there must be hope.


Life, the most reluctant that page, always hide the deepest.


I don't know when, I h***e learned to rely on.


Light rub hazy eyes, want to see the clearest honey you give me.


Gently open your hands and let love stay at this moment.


From the day I met you, every step I took was to get closer to you.


It's too cold in winter. I'll be frozen. But when you hug me, I'll melt.


I love what you love, and I love what you like.


if you never le***e me, i will be with you till death do us apart.


The most lucky thing is, my break in, also startled your heart.


You fill my whole past, but in my future forever absent.


I can't do much, but I'm always there when you need it.


You are like a bowl of soup, let my heart never cold.


When you coax me, I think you love me very much.


As long as you stay with the only way, the end must be h***iness.


Feelings, is to put a person pure, warm in the heart!


I would like to use gentle to you, drive away the haze of this world.


Free gift of a red book, never fade.


I write the first half of my life on paper, the second half in your life.


Can you stop playing love songs? That sound sounds lonely.


As long as there is love in the heart, there must be hope.


I h***e only two wishes: by your side and by your side.


No matter how big the world is, I only h***e you in my eyes.


Live a good life, love you slowly, no sooner or later, it's just you.


Like is day and night, love is from heart to ancient rare.


You fell in love with me at first sight, and I fell in love with you at first sight.


First met you, the rest of my life is you.


If you annoy me again, you will marry me.


I love you forever and ever. Time is nothing.


I hope the last thing I see before I go to bed is you.


Just like to see you ***ile, your ***ile is my sleeping medicine.

少女时代 《再次重逢的世界》歌词

例文一 我的世界也很美丽 人生在世,不如意事常有八九。但只要用心去发现,发现疏属于自己的世界的一切美好,你会不禁感叹:“我的世界也很美丽!” ————题记 世界曾经不美丽 “有没有搞错?!这次又考砸了!为什么人家总能考得那么好?”妈妈生气地问道。这已经不是第一次了。自上初中以来,我的理科是一落千丈,小学的光辉历史,取而代之的是一次又一次的不理想成绩。为此,我是既伤心又无法改变。尽管我告诉妈妈,我有认真听课,我有认真做笔记,但她总是问一句——“那为什么还考得那么差?”这句话,无疑是在训斥我,这明明是你自己的问题,考不好问题始终是出于你自己。我因此曾经认为,妈妈也太不理解我了。顷刻间,我的世界变得灰茫茫的,阴森森的,到处都是指责!指责!指责!没有人会聆听我的内心,出路不见了,曾经美丽的世界消失了…… 世界其实很美丽 之后去我已经第二天没跟妈妈说过话了。是我害怕她再次训我吗?是我已经没有话跟她讲了吗?我想都不是。我孤独着,独自一人坐在课室里,呆呆地望着课本。我仿佛感觉到,心,似乎渐渐地凉了下来。周围的人都仿佛在嫌弃我。泪水部着声色的摔到手上,桌面上。这张桌子,由初中以来,不知已经承载了我多少泪水了。各种辛酸,我大都在这张桌子面前表露,它变成了我宣泄内心感情的最好的地方。泪流满面之际,一只手伸向我面前:“一起玩吧!”我连忙用衣袖擦去眼角泛滥不止的泪珠,再抬头望去。噢,是我最好的朋友。“我知道你这次考得不好,又何妈妈闹翻了吗?”我沉默地点了点头。“其实,你妈妈也只是过于紧张你罢了。我相信,你的努力她始终会看得见的!”她停了一下继续说:“不要太放在心上,要相信,世界其实很美丽,你看,大家都会陪伴你,你不会孤独的,不是么?”我的心顿时如冰雪遇到阳光般,渐渐地,渐渐地,融化,融化……让我知道了,其实我的世界其实也很美丽,很精彩! 世界一直很美丽 人生如戏,挫折,失败,成功,喜悦等便是剧中的每一个细小的环节。成功与喜悦,固然让人快乐,但一时的挫折与失败却并不永远代表悲哀。我的世界里拥有一片属于我的天空, 天边的一朵云彩便可成为点缀蓝天的饰物。我们心中的世界何其宽广,美好的事物何其多, 有何必为那一点点的不足而惆怅呢?相信吧,放开束缚,在自己的世界里奔跑,其实世界一直很美丽! 如果心中的阴霾无法消失,如果心中的困惑不能消除,永远憋在心上,那么世界是不会美丽的。我们何不敞开心扉,让春天驱走严冬,让心中充满阳光,让世界变得更加美丽,更加精彩呢? 例文二 我的世界也很美丽(开头和结尾) 不用常常羡慕别人的世界很美丽,当你找到一把钥匙,你就能打开通往美丽世界的门,那扇门一直都为任何人开着。 ——题记 我的世界本来是很美丽的,父母的爱紧紧地包围着我,吸进去的空气里都充满了爱的味道。可不知什么时候,我发现美好的世界离我远去,我赶不上它的脚步,不知道追了多久,一扇门挡住了去路。 …… 我找到了那把被我遗弃了很久的钥匙,原来它一直在我心底,只是我忽略了它,当我注意到它的时候,一扇门打开了,这时候我才发现:我的世界也很美丽。 例文三 我的世界也很美丽 世界真美丽啊!有芳香馥郁的花朵,有一望无际的草原,有碧蓝入境的大海,有着一切我喜爱的事物。可你又是否知道有一个更加美丽世界?它,就在我心中,在我的心灵深处…… 等待,直到萌发 小时候,我的世界还是一片空白,只有一片广阔而单调的大地。可是自从我爱上画画,我的世界就发生了巨大的改变。我小心翼翼地在空地上种上一棵梦之芽,每天精心为它浇水,每天都闭上眼祈祷***发芽。终于有一天,一个小小的绿色的脑袋从土中钻出来,好奇地探望着世界。我高兴地欢呼雀跃,因为我的世界终于有了一丝亮点,一线生机。为了使我的世界更美丽,我用画笔,为它画上碧天,绿水,鲜花,太阳,用画笔装点这个曾经一片空白的世界。而嫩芽也在我的呵护下茁壮成长,它一次又一次地在我心底呼唤,呐喊,“我想成为一名画家!”我笑了,我的世界也更美了。 坚持,直到最后 可有一天,有人突然闯入了我的世界,令我的世界几乎完全被毁灭,原来七彩的世界只剩下黑白。我哭了,我的世界也随着我的泪而枯萎。但在最后,我却没有选择放弃,我一定要令我的重现光彩。于是我又重新拿起画笔,再一次为那棵嫩芽浇下我的信念。奇迹发生了,我的世界又回到了春的模样,仍是样春光融融,那样温暖,那样美丽。 守护,直到永远 是的,我会永远守护我的世界,我的梦。即使我的不是天使,我无法拥有天使那洁白如雪的羽翼,但我的心依然可以飞翔,依然可以守侯我的梦和我的世界,直到它开花结果的那一刻。因为,我有让所有所有的人知道,会有那么一天。我的世界一定会变成最美丽的,如那颗夜空中最闪耀的星,闪闪发光。 世界固然美丽,我的世界也很美丽,因为我的世界有如花的梦,如歌的情怀,如诗的青春…… 例文四 我的世界也很美丽 美丽这个词,就像一颗极具诱惑的糖果,当你把它咀嚼在口中时,芳香四溢。而这只是一瞬的,当它完全融化时,那种快乐的感受便消逝得无影无踪。所以我愿意把这美丽的世界拍下来,永远保存。 ——题记 我的世界,因他们而美丽…… 一.腹有诗书气自华 书,是我永远的情结!曾有多少次,在我骄傲自满时,是它,用如水的文字浇灭我心中的骄气;曾有多少次,在我悲伤失落时,是它,用炽热的语言燃烧我心中的自信;曾有多少次,在我感到茫然时,它用风似的句子鼓起我前进的风帆。 因为它,我的世界变得美丽。 二.知我心者莫若朋友 朋友,就像一杯酒,越老越浓。小时候,我就像一只苍鹰,独来独往。是你,我的朋友,伸出希望之手,带我走出孤单笼罩下的阴霾。从此,我的生活改变了,天空不再是阴云密布,太阳从此也照进心窝。记得我与你一起偷尝过禁果,一起受罚,一起挨骂。可我们俩并没有因此而放弃自己,而是更加地努力。现在,我们俩心中的古桥依然风韵犹存。 三.一日为师,终生为师 我有一个老师,她的头发是如水的瀑布,她的教导是如糖的蜂蜜;我有一个老师,她总是个性张扬,她爱拍桌子,也爱抿嘴巴,对了,她也爱我们,她总是用一切的肢体语言来教会我们道理;;我有一个老师,从她小巧的嘴巴里可以蹦出音符似的外语,从她的手指可以点出精彩的知识。我爱他们,我真希望,“一日为师,终生为师”这句话可以实现。 因为他们,我的世界变得更美丽。 四.我的世界我做主 我从母亲的肚子里出来,就是一个黑娃娃。从小,我都爱躲在梦魇的深处,不愿意别人在我站出来的时候,取笑我。但随着年龄的增长,我渐渐忘了自己的缺点,开始向人生的高峰努力攀登。在我人生的字典里,没有认输,也没有软弱。人们的排斥只会让我更加充满斗志。人们的目光也不会影响我。总之我的世界我做主。 别人的世界里,充满了利欲的斗争。我为自己单纯、天真的世界感到高兴。美丽,不再是易于消逝的名词,而是永恒,只因为 有他们。 我的世界也很美丽。

少女时代:重逢的世界(Into The New World)

? (Into The New World) -

[?] ?

想要表达 悲伤的时刻 虽然都散去后只听得见


闭上眼睛感受吧 感动的心 投向你的我的目光

[] ?

虽然在等待特别的奇迹 摆在眼前的我们经历的路

[?] ? ? ?

如果未知的未来不能更改 不要放弃

[] ?

请守护那不会改变的爱情 伤口一直到我心里

[?] ? ? ?

在你的视线里我是不重要的 被停止的这个时刻

*[All] ? ?

爱你就是这样感受你 曾描绘的彷徨恋人的经过


在这个世界上重复的悲伤 现在说再见


在许多未知的道路上 我追随着那朦胧的光芒

永远和你在一起 重逢的我的世界

[?] ?

虽然在等待特别的奇迹 摆在眼前的我们经历的路

[?] ? ? ?

如果未知的未来不能更改 不要放弃

[?] ?

请守护那不会改变的爱情 伤口一直到我心里

[?] ? ? ?

在你的视线里我是不重要的 被停止的这个时刻

*[All] ? ?

爱你就是这样感受你 曾描绘的彷徨恋人的经过


在这个世界上重复的悲伤 现在说再见


在许多未知的道路上 我追随着那朦胧的光芒

永远和你在一起 重逢的我们

[?] ? []

这样的黑夜独自感受 你温柔的呼吸

[?] [?,] ?

这瞬间温暖的感觉袭来 传递着我所有的颤抖

*[All] ? ?

爱你就是这样感受你 曾描绘的彷徨恋人的经过


在这个世界上重复的悲伤 现在说再见


只想着你也让我变坚强 不要哭泣 请帮助我

这瞬间的感觉和你在一起 重逢的我们


[?] ?

[taeyeon] jeo nei ju go xi po sel peong xi gan ni ta he teo jin hu ei ya tel li ji man

[?] ?

[seohyun] nu nel gam go ne kyo ba wum ji gi nen ma em neo lel hyang han nei nun bi cel

[] ? ?

[jessica] tek byeol han gi zeo gel ki da li ji man nu na pei seo nu li ei geo chin gi lel

[?] ? ?

[yuri] arl su wom nen mi lei la meon ba gu ji a na pu gi hal su wop seo

[] ?

[tiffany] peon chi a nel sa lang e lu ji kyo juo sang cho yi ben nei ma em ga ji

[?] ?

[sunny] xi seon su gei co na nen pi liu wop so mom cho juo bo li ni xi gang

[?] ? ?

[all] sa lang hei nol yi ne gim yi dei lu ge lio wa deon hei mei yi mei gen


yi sei sang su gei sei ban bok tuei nen sel pem yi jen an niong

su ma nen arl su wom nen gil su gei hee mi han bi cel nan jo cha ga


ong zei ga ji na neo ham gei ha nen geo ya ta xi man nan na ei cei gei

[?] ? ?

[yoona] tek byeol han gi zeo gel ki da li ji man nu na pei seo nu li ei geo chin gi lel

[?] ? ?

[taeyeon] arl su wom nen mi lei la meon ba gu ji a na pu gi hal su wop seo

[?] ?

[suyeong] peon chi a nel sa lang e lu ji kyo juo sang cho yi ben nei ma em ga ji

[?] ?

[hyu yeon] xi seon su gei co na nen pi liu wop so mom cho juo bo li ni xi gang

[?] ? ?

[all] sa lang hei nol yi ne gim yi dei lu ge lio wa deon hei mei yi mei gen


yi sei sang su gei sei ban bok tuei nen sel pem yi jen an niong

su ma nen arl su wom nen gil su gei hee mi han bi cel nan jo cha ga


ong zei ga ji na neo ham gei ha nen geo ya ta xi man nan wu li yei

[?] ?

[seo hyun] yi lo kei ga man pab hol lo ne gi nen


[jessica] ke dei ei bu de lo wun sum keo li

[?] ?

[tae yeon] yi sun gan da se ha gei kam kyo o nen mo den na ei deol lim jeo nal lei

[?] ? ?

[all] sa lang hei nol yi ne gim yi dei lu ge lio wa deon hei mei yi mei gen


yi sei sang su gei sei ban bok tuei nen sel pem yi jen an niong

? ?

neol sen gak man hei du nan gang hei jyo wul ji an gei na lel tu wa juo

yi sun gan nei ne gim ham gei ha nan go ya ta xi man nan wu li ei

(?) ? (?) ?

(?) ? (?) ?

() ? ()

(all) ? ?

(, )

(?) ? (?) ?

(?) ? (?) ? (?& ?) ?

(all) ? ?

() (?) ?~

(?& ?)

(?) (?) ? (?&? - ?)

(all) (?- ?) ? (?&? ) (?- ?) ?